LoiLoNote School

Privacy Policy for U.S. Users

Last Revised: September 2, 2024

Thank you for your interest in LoiLoNote School.

At LoiLo, we are serious about protecting the privacy of teachers, parents and children. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains about the collection, use and disclosure of information we receive when you use LoiLoNote School or visit our website. Please read our Policy carefully before registering on our website or accessing or using the LoiLoNote School tablet application or web-based interface.

This Policy applies to all of your (the “User’s”) information collected by LoiLo USA Inc. (the “Company”) in connection with the LoiLoNote School website located at https://n.loilo.tv/en/ (the “Website”) and LoiLoNote School-related services (the “Service”) provided by the Company. This Policy applies specifically to Users located in the United States. For all other users, the Privacy Policy applies.

By visiting our Website and installing, using or otherwise accessing the Service, you agree to become bound by this Policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not access the Website or install, use or otherwise access the Service. The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy from time to time, so please review it frequently. Your continued use of the Website and/or Service following any posting of changes to the Policy will be deemed as your full and complete acceptance of those changes, and the Policy as amended.

1. Information Collected and Its Use

The Company collects and uses the User's personal information (defined as any information about an identifiable individual or information that can be used to identify an individual) in an appropriate manner in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. “Student Data” means any personal information, metadata, or User-Generated Content (as defined below) that is received from or directly attributable to a student User of the Services.

2. Collection of Personal Information

The Company collects the User's personal information in the following cases:

  • When the User visits our Website, registers for the Service or otherwise voluntarily submits information to the Company through the Website (such as through completing and submitting User inquiry forms);
  • When the User posts “User-Generated Content” (defined as any form of User-generated information including text, audio, music, image, video, software, program, and code) on the Service;
  • When the User uses the Service;
  • When the User agrees to a linkage between the Service and other services provided by third parties such as Google (http://www.google.com/);
  • When the Company receives inquiries or requests from the User that relate to the Service; and
  • When the collection of personal information is otherwise necessary in connection with the above-listed activities.

The Company collects (both by itself and through third-party services) the following types of personal information from Users visiting the Website:

  • Contact Information: Name, phone number and e-mail address(es).
  • Payment Information: Bank information, billing information, product information.
  • School Affiliation: The organization or school to which the User belongs.
  • Visit Details: Details of Users’ visits to our Website, including traffic data, location data, logs, and other communication data and the resources that Users access and use on the Website.
  • Computer and Connection Information: Information about Users’ computer and internet connection, including Users’ IP address, operating system, and browser type.

The Company collects the following types of information from Users using the Service:

  • Name.
  • E-mail Address.
  • The organization or school to which one belongs.
  • Class or lesson information to which one belongs.
  • User-Generated Content such as:
  • photos, audio, videos, etc.;
  • Evaluations and grades for students;
  • Attendance information.
  • Access log (IP address, type of browser, type of OS, date and time).

Of these personal information categories, the Company collects the following types of information directly from student Users through the Service:

  • User-Generated Content such as:
    • photos, audio, videos, etc.;
    • Evaluations and grades for students;
    • Attendance information.

The Company does not use or collect Users’ precise geographic location.

FERPA Compliance
Data collected by the Company through the Service includes Student Data from education records that are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) ("FERPA Records"), including student names, parent or guardian names, and User-Generated Content. To the extent that Student Data includes FERPA Records, you designate the Company as a "School Official" (as defined and used in FERPA and its implementing regulations) under the direct control of the applicable school with regard to the use and maintenance of the FERPA Records and the Company will comply with FERPA as required.

COPPA Compliance
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) protects personal information collected from children under the age of 13. How we collect personal information from Users under 13, the types of personal information we collect, and the reasons for collecting this information are described in Sections 2 and 3 of this Policy, respectively.

We use the following third-party service provider to provide the Service:

  • Amazon Web Services (Privacy Policy: https://aws.amazon.com/privacy/)
    • We use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our Service. All User information we collect through the Service is stored on computers and databases managed by AWS.

Information for parents or guardians on how to correct, edit, download, update, or delete data about your student collected through the Service is located at Section 10 below.

SOPIPA Compliance
The Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (“SOPIPA”) protects student personal information (“Covered Data”) collected from K-12 students in California through websites, online services or mobile apps used primarily for K-12 school purposes. In compliance with SOPIPA, the Company:

(1) does not use any Covered Data collected through the Service to serve targeted advertisements;

(2) does not create profiles for students, except for school purposes;

(3) does not sell Covered Data;

(4) does not disclose Covered Data to others, except for legal, regulatory, judicial, safety, or operational improvement reasons;

(5) protects Covered Data using industry-standard security procedures and practices;

(6) will delete any school or district-controlled student information when requested by schools or districts, in accordance with applicable law; and

(7) will disclose Covered Data when required by law, for legitimate research purposes, or for school purposes to educational agencies.

3. Use of Personal Information

The Company uses Personal Information only to the extent necessary for the following purposes unless otherwise expressly permitted by the User's consent or under applicable law:

  • To provide the Service;
  • To ensure the safety and smooth use of the Service;
  • To avoid unauthorized use;
  • To prepare statistical data on the use of the Service;
  • To carry out surveys on users' opinions of the Service currently provided and/or of the Service intended to be provided in the future;
  • To plan and offer new services for the Service;
  • To contact you by email (including newsletters), telephone calls, SMS, or other equivalent forms of electronic communication, regarding information or notifications related to the Service or marketing or promotional information regarding the Company’s offerings. Users can unsubscribe from receiving future email newsletters or other marketing or promotional information emails at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email or by contacting the Company at usa@loilo.tv;
  • To provide payment and logistics services;
  • To run prize giveaways for promotional purposes, or to send prizes associated with such promotions or other merchandise;
  • To carry out maintenance of systems and deal with their problems;
  • To respond to inquiries and requests related to the Service;
  • To publish information posted by users;
  • To send important notices such as notices of changes to these Terms, other terms and conditions or policies;
  • To provide personal information to third parties in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 hereof entitled "Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties"; and
  • To fulfill purposes incidental to the purposes listed above.

4. Registration and Information to Be Registered

4.1. In order to ensure smooth use of the Service, the User may be required to register his/her profile information (such as display name, icon image or messages to be used for the Service) and/or his/her full name, e-mail address, etc. For the avoidance of doubt, the User's profile information displayed on the Service may also be accessible by other users within the school, but will not be opened to the public. Registration of such information is optional for the User; however, in the absence of such registration, the Service or some parts of the Service may not be available.

4.2. Provision or registration of personal information and other information is optional for the User; however, in the absence of such provision or registration, the Service or some parts of the Service may not be available. When the User has closed his/her account for the Service, the Company will dispose of the information previously provided or registered by the User in accordance with the Company's regulations.

4.3. In order to investigate and respond to inquiries from the User or to confirm the User's identity, the User's telephone number(s), e-mail address(es), terminal device model(s), operating system version(s) may be collected.

4.4. The Company may ask for the User's credit card information when the User purchases a product or uses a paid service or is otherwise required to make any payment to the Company. Payment will be processed through a payment processing service and the Company does not store any credit card information.

4.5. To improve the Service, the Company may use cookies for the purposes of saving certain entries made by the User in order to make the use of the Service more convenient, to maintain and protect the User's sessions for security reasons, or to recognize the number of the User's visits to the Service, the manner in which the User uses the Service, or the size of the User. The User may choose not to allow cookies to be used; however, if the User does not permit cookies to be stored, the User may not be able to use some parts of the Service such as those which require the User to log in.

4.6. When the User uses the Service, certain information such as the User's IP address, browser type and browser language is automatically collected and stored. Such information will be used to analyze user environments for the purpose of improving the Service or to prevent unlawful activities that may affect the proper operation of the Service.

4.7. Some parts of the Service will be provided using location information transmitted through mobile phones. If the User uses such parts of the Service, the Company uses the location information to the extent necessary for the provision of that Service. If a mobile phone is not set to send location information, no such location information will be transmitted.

4.8. The Company may collect information about the equipment the User uses (including the operating system version, identification of terminal device and computer name). Such information will be used to improve the Service, to confirm the identity of the User, or to prevent unlawful activities that may affect the proper operation of the Service.

5. Changes to Registration Information

To facilitate smooth continued use of the Service, the User should notify the Company of any changes to his/her email address or other registered information in the manner specified by the Company.

6. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

6.1. The Company may share your personal information with its affiliates and business partners who assist the Company in operating the Website and/or Service, conducting the Company’s business, or otherwise servicing Users, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. The Company will otherwise not disclose any personal information of the User to any third party except in the following cases:

  • The User gives consent to the disclosure;
  • The disclosure is required or authorized by law;
  • The User violates the LoiLoNote School Terms of Service or any Individual Terms of Use applicable to the Service and the Company determines based on sufficient evidence that in order to protect its interests, property and services, disclosure of the User's personal information is necessary.
  • When disclosure is necessary to prevent loss of life, personal injury or property damage;
  • When it is necessary for the Company, in performing the duties prescribed by law or regulation, to cooperate with a state organ, a local government, or any person acting on their behalf, and there is a risk that obtaining the User's consent may affect the proper performance of such duties;
  • A transfer of the Company's business including personal information occurs as a result of merger, consolidation, demerger, asset sale, or other similar transaction;
  • All or part of the Company's operations are delegated to third party/ies;
  • The personal information is disclosed to a person who is under a confidentiality obligation to the Company; or
  • The disclosure is necessary for the Company to exercise its legal rights.

6.2. In addition to the cases specified in Section 6.1 herein, the Company may provide third-party vendors or service providers including financial institutions or collection or processing agencies (e.g. Paypal) with certain User personal information for the purpose of processing the Service usage payment, such as the User's name and bank information.

6.3. Some content or applications on the Website are served by third parties, including content providers and application providers. These third parties may use cookies alone or in conjunction with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use the Website. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content.

We do not control these third parties' tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly.

6.4. The Service allows Users to access the Internet through the Service, including websites and resources provided by third parties. The Company has no control over the contents of those third-party websites or resources, and accepts no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from Users’ use of them. The Company encourages Users to enable website/content filtering features through the Service to restrict access to third-party websites. If you decide to access or allow other Users to access any third-party websites through the Service, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites.

7. Secure Management of Personal Information

To ensure safe management of personal information, our company implements and trains our employees to take measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

8. Linkage with External Services

Subject to the User's consent, the User's account for the Service may be linked with other accounts that are used for external services provided by third parties. In this case, it should be noted that the information provided by the User to such external service providers is not under the control of the Company and will be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of each of the Company/ies and the external service providers.

9. Use of Statistical Information

In order to provide Users with useful information or to identify which of the Company's services or websites users are most interested in, the Company may collect from Users statistical information in an aggregated, de-identified format from which individuals cannot be identified. Statistical information is not considered to be personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

10. User's Rights Regarding Personal Information

10.1. The User has the right to access, correct or download any of the User’s personal information collected by the Company through the Service, including User-Generated Content, where permitted under applicable law . If you are a parent or guardian and want to correct, edit, download, or update personal information about your child collected through the Service, including User-Generated Content, please work directly with your teacher or school, or you can contact us at usa@loilo.tv.

10.2. If you would like to delete your Service account or delete your child’s Service account, please contact us at usa@loilo.tv. If you request that your Service account or any User-Generated Content submitted to/collected by the Company be deleted, the Company may still retain information as needed to provide customer support and prevent accidental deletion, or as required or permitted by law.

If your school or district has purchased the Service and the school or district ends their contract with the Company and requests deletion of accounts, the Company will delete all such accounts in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

If you are a teacher or school administrator within the United States, please be aware that FERPA requires the Company to retain Student Data constituting FERPA Records once a valid request to inspect those records has been made.

11. User's Information after Withdrawal

If the User has closed his/her account, the User's information, including User-Generated Content, will be disposed of appropriately in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Company's internal rules.

12. Your State Privacy Rights

12.1. Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California have the right to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain information with respect to the types of personal information the business shares with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such third party and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. To request a copy of the information disclosure provided by the Company pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, please contact usa@loilo.tv.

12.2. Nevada provides its residents with a limited right to opt-out of certain personal information sales. Residents who wish to exercise this sale opt-out rights may submit a request to this designated address: usa@loilo.tv. However, please know the Company does not currently sell data triggering that statute's opt-out requirements.

12.3. Do Not Track Disclosure. Note that your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a "Do Not Track" signal to websites and online services you visit. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what "Do Not Track" means in this context. Like many websites and online services, the Company currently does not alter its practices when it receives a "Do Not Track" signal from a User’s browser.

13. Continuous Improvement

The Company shall appropriately review and make continuous improvements to operations regarding the management of personal information, and reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy as necessary. In the event of modifications to this Privacy Policy, the User shall be notified of the effective date and specifics, etc. of such modifications via email to the user, posting on the Company’s website, or by other means. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of this page. The modified Privacy Policy shall be applied if the User uses the Company’s products or accesses the Company’s website after notification of such modifications has been made.

14. Means of Communication and Contact for Inquiries

14.1. Communications from the Company to the User relating to the Service will be posted in a relevant location on the website operated by the Company or will otherwise be made in a manner that the Company deems appropriate.

14.2. Communications from the User to the Company relating to the Service, including offers to disclose personal information, opinions, questions, complaints, or inquiries about the handling of personal information can be made by using the inquiry form available in a relevant location on the Website of the Company. When the User sends an inquiry or other communication to the Company using the Website inquiry form, the User may be required to enter his/her name and e-mail address to confirm his/her identity.

Alternatively, if you are concerned about information about you or another User that has been provided to the Company or if you have questions about anything in the above Policy, please contact us via-email at usa@loilo.tv.